To represent balance

Meditation, Mindfulness & Yoga

This page is designed to plant a seed in your mind to bring you onto the path of enlightenment


What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that will bring focus to the situation you want it to, the purpose of this is to give you a clear thought process in the moment and better your mind overall by being within your own realm. The main benefit of meditation is to reduce your stress by being able to process and think clearly overall, being able to meditate often will bring you a less stress, to better everything around you in your day-to-day life.

Personal Experience/Thoughts

Overall, I have around 2.5 years of experience in meditation, I typically do it on days off and times where life can be stressful, for example after a long day at work. I like to get around 20-30 minutes in per session. I use it as a temporary escape to balance myself, and it is much more healthy to use this than to rely on prescriptions.

How Can I Get Started?

Below I want to leave you with a video you can try for yourself, as I have used it plenty in the past and especially when I first started out:


What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness can be described in many different ways, but to me it's about how you are responding to situations around you, making surely you react appropriately to the situation in the moment. It's important to keep a mindful approach to your surroundings and knowing the time and place. Though it expands much more further in many different ways.

My Personal Journey

As someone that went through drastic changes, introvert to extrovert, being completely opinionated to less-caring generally, I feel like a totally different person since starting my journey 4 years ago. My life felt like it was on a plateau and I needed to do something about it to move forward, though this is just a way of me describing it on a surface level. This is usually the point in where you should be looking to change in my opinion. Now I have grown all-round and developed all kinds of skills rather than being someone that didn't look at life the way it should be looked at, and even today I am learning something new!

Try An Example!

Here is a video that was recommended to me back when I was still new to the idea of becoming a mindful person. I had just practiced my own little techniques beforehand but this ended up being recommended eventually through youtubes algorithm.


What Is Yoga?

Yoga is a practice you can do preferably in routine to help you in many ways, to elaborate, you could be performing stretches all over the body to improve your wellbeing, physical fitness & spiritual growth. The spiritual growth moreso comes from the use of breathing exercises almost like meditation. The use of Yoga is for your body and mind overall, the physical aspects will promote your flexibility and strength throughout your body when done correctly and often. From my brief description, it is important to combine the two to bring yourself inner peace as well as a stronger body and mind to give yourself an overall healthier lifestyle.

My Personal Experience

As someone who hasn't done too much Yoga overall, I have only started in the last few months and I do it as/when rather than keep a strict schedule, I would still recommend it massively as it has helped me in times of need mentally and it is especially useful before sleep. I recommend it before sleep because it's known that stretching relaxes the muscles throughout your body and as someone who struggles plenty with sleep in different ways this is a massive improvement for me personally. I feel a lot of pressure being lifted and stress being relieved as I do Yoga so I love to recommend it to anyone.

How Can You Start Your Yoga Journey?

First off, just so you don't overwhelm yourself I would personally look for classes, I took classes in my first couple of months, though they stopped the classes after that which is why I went more casual. From the point of confidence with your experience in the classes I would look further into different "styles" online to perform at home. Go over the basic practices (e.g Warrior Pose, Child's Pose) often and accurately, and going with the flow never rushing anything. After you have your foundation of stretches and breathing exercises confidently down then you should move on and find the more complex practices. Remember to be mindful of everything around you during your in and out of class sessions!